Specialty Project and Complicated Plumbing Services
We classify our top caliber talent specializing in complicated matters, as an Elite SWAT Team of Experts. They use a tactical approach to investigate the situation, uncover problematic details and resolve the most challenging cases. Response time is quick, the team is undetected by neighbouring residents, non-disruptive to their living conditions and more importantly, they get the job done.
Full Riser Replacement
A re-piping situation can be complex, especially when buildings age. Our expert investigative team knows that discovery is an important process that can lead to complicated, unique situations. The CES Plumbing Elite SWAT Team investigates the case, assessing the risk of the job in detail before resolving and executing each project.
Our Accountability to you when using CES Plumbers
Minimal disruption to the residents and operations
Cost-effective solutions that not only meet your budget but save you money in overall operational costs