
Specialty Project and Complicated Plumbing Services

We classify our top caliber talent specializing in complicated matters, as an Elite SWAT Team of Experts. They use a tactical approach to investigate the situation, uncover problematic details and resolve the most challenging cases. Response time is quick, the team is undetected by neighbouring residents, non-disruptive to their living conditions and more importantly, they get the job done.

Full Riser Replacement

A re-piping situation can be complex, especially when buildings age. Our expert investigative team knows that discovery is an important process that can lead to complicated, unique situations. The CES Plumbing Elite SWAT Team investigates the case, assessing the risk of the job in detail before resolving and executing each project.

Our Accountability to you when using CES Plumbers

  • Minimal disruption to the residents and operations

  • Cost-effective solutions that not only meet your budget but save you money in overall operational costs

Guaranteed professional workmanship and quality of service – tenants boast about it to property managers and superintendents.

Full Kitec Replacement

Buildings that have experienced premature pipe failures, leakage and excessive damage are consequences of installing KITEC, a product used by builders between 1995 – 2007. Most buildings constructed during this time period have had issues or will have issues.

Take a proactive approach by engaging our Master Investigative Team to determine the situation.

Our expertise in replacement solutions are cost effective, successfully implemented without disturbance and our product is durable, industry leading with a manufacturer’s guarantee.

I need an Elite SWAT Team Member to contact me:

I have worked or been involved in the Plumbing industry for over  25 years.  Coming to CES Plumbing has allowed me to specialize in fan coil projects, riser replacement and other specialty areas of work that not only I feel I am good at but also enjoy.  It has also allowed me to mentor and train other plumbers as the lead on several major projects which means I feel like I am making a difference for my co-workers and the company.  I am proud to be part of this company and also part of a great group of plumbers.

CES Specialty Projects “SWAT” Team
Ritchie, Foreman

I am one of CES Plumbing’s Service Plumbers and feel I have been given the opportunity to grow and learn in this company. First as an apprentice and now as a Journeyman Plumber. I have received training and education which has helped strengthen the skills I already have and enhance those I am working towards. Every day is different but I like challenging myself to figure out solutions for the customers whether it be where water is leaking from, fixing piping so residents have heat or water and just generally troubleshooting issues in the building that no one else can figure out. I enjoy my work and love the company.

CES Maintenance & Emergency Service Team
Ted, Plumber

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