HVAC Maintenance Services

Discover a first-class experience.

Provided exclusively by Complete Energy Solutions.

  • A dedicated service team and account manager for your facility

  • Comprehensive service plans tailored to you, your building, and your clientele

  • In-house factory trained boiler, chiller, and pump experts

  • In-house mechanical engineers

  • 24/7 immediate responsiveness

  • Service management with 30+ years of experience


Makeup Air Units

Makeup air units provide fresh, outside air to buildings hallways and common areas. As part of your HVAC maintenance contract, our technicians will change your filters regularly to ensure a clean air flow. This is especially important if your building is in an area that will naturally accumulate dust, such as construction zones. In these cases, you should replace these filters regularly, and may want to upgrade to higher-MERV filters, which can filter out smaller particles. Makeup air units are typically found on building rooftops, as this is the easiest way to distribute fresh air from outside throughout the building.


Chillers are one of the most expensive components of a typical building’s mechanical system. These machines use refrigerants to cool down and circulate liquids to provide cooling to the building. Because of this, it is crucial to perform regular chiller maintenance to ensure that your unit’s efficiency and lifespan are maximized. Especially in the summer months, effective air conditioning is paramount for resident comfort! Fortunately, we can ensure that your chillers are always working at their best. Chiller units are often very expensive. Because of this, it is important to maintain them as best as possible to avoid heavy repair costs in the long term.


Your building uses its boilers for its complete heating system, which makes these pieces of equipment very important. Our expertise in total system design enables us to ensure that your boiler plant will always operate safely and efficiently. We want to ensure minimal downtime, and extend the longevity of your equipment as far as possible! Because boilers need to work at high temperatures, frequent maintenance is very important to ensure operational safety!

Complete Energy Solutions excels at the modern HVAC maintenance methods that your building’s system needs.

For one less worry, reach out to us anytime to setup a maintenance contract that will keep your buildings systems running smoothly for years to come.

Experience the COMPLETE Difference!

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